Portable Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jammer GRIPHON PREMIUM SLIs intended to block coded radio signal received by radio controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIED) based upon GSM 900, AMPS/DAMPS, CDMA, GSM 1800, GSM 1900 cellular phones and DECT wireless phones. RCIED Jammer ensures reliable blocking (triggering prevention) of RCIED receiver that works in 500 … 2,100 MHz frequency band. The device is delivered in a standard briefcase and has no de-camouflaging elements such as external aerials, etc.). RCIED Jammer has built-in rechargeable battery ensuring its autonomous operation. Delivery set also includes AC/DC charger. It is advisable to use RCIED Jammer GRIPHON PREMIUM SL together with RCIED Jammer GRIPHON PREMIUM. When used together, they ensure blocking of RCIED operation in 20...2,100 MHz frequency band. Technical Specifications:
The device was certified at GOSSTANDART of Russian Federation.