
Portable Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jammer GRIPHON LIGHT 3

Portable Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jammer GRIPHON LIGHT 3

Portable Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) Jammer GRIPHON LIGHT 3 is intended to jam operation of RCIED based upon GSM 900, GSM 1800, UMTS 2100 cellular phones.

RCIED Jammer GRIGHON LIGHT 3 is delivered in a standard Samsonite® briefcase having no external aerials or other decamouflaging features. RCIED Jammer has built-in rechargeable battery that ensures its autonomous operation. Delivery set includes external 220V AC/DC charger.

Technical Specifications:

Operational frequency bands, MHz 925…960;
Integral output power EIRP, not less than, W 28
Interference type Wide band barrage
Continuous operational time, not less than, min 45
Operational temperature range, °C –20 … 45
Dimensions, mm 465 x 140 x 425
Mass, not more than, kg 11.5
The device was certified at GOSSTANDART of Russian Federation.