
Portable Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jammer GRIPHON QUADRO 2

Portable Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Jammer GRIPHON QUADRO 2

RCIED Jammer creates hemispherical protective zone in which navigational system of drones is jammed.

Jammer is delivered in a robust plastic case. DC 12V onboard vehicle power line is used to power the device.

Special Signal Generator (SSG) with appropriate aerial is a basic unit of the Jammer. SSG creates a special jamming signal that simulates GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou satellite signals. This jamming signal jams operation of drone’s navigational system.

Technical Specifications:

Jamming distance for commercial drones (within direct sight), not less than, km
Type of jammed navigational systems

GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou

Integral output power (at 50 Ohm load), not less than менее, W
Type of jamming signal


Operational temperature range, °C

–20 … 45

Dimensions of Noise Signal Generator (NSG) unit, not more than, mm  


Total mass of the Jammer set, not more than, kg


The device was certified at GOSSTANDART of Russian Federation.